Our Purpose
Our purpose is to offer quality prenatal, labor, birth and postpartum care to families seeking a home birth. We maintain a balance of traditional, evidenced based practices with modern day trends. We are committed to increasing the number of BIPOC (Black & Indigenous People Of Color) Midwives & Doulas, normalizing home birth again and aiding in reducing the Maternal Mortality rates in the state of Georgia.
15+ FREE Birthing Affirmations!

Our Tribe
"Mama" Sarahn Henderson is married and the mother of five home born children and has four grandchildren. She is the founder of Birth in the Tradition Inc. and has served the Greater Atlanta area for over 40 years. Sarahn is an apprenticed trained birth attendant, not a licensed midwife. Georgia does not license midwives. She is also a founding member of the Community Midwives National Alliance and the Georgia Midwifery Association. She works alongside her apprentice to provide the best experience for both mother and baby during the birthing process.

Check out our video to learn more about Birth in the Tradition